Don’t get stuck with several thousands of dollars in repair bills. Save yourself the trouble and just get an extended warranty. That way when things break down you’ll have something to cover the expense when insurance won’t. Call 405-634-1429 and let us help you find a plan that suits...

Aaa RV Sales and Rentals wins the 2014 Oklahoma City Award in the RV Dealer category
Each year, the Oklahoma City Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make...

Fall RV Show Oct. 9-12 at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds!!!
Fall RV Show Oct. 9-12 at the State Fairgrounds!!! Check us out in the Cox Pavilion at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. We will have several of the best travel trailers made on display at some amazing prices. Bring the family so they can join in the excitement and help you...

RV Vacations cost 27-61% less than travel by car, train, plane, or cruise ship
For more than 20 years, PKF Consulting, an international travel and tourism research firm, has been conducting Vacation Cost Comparison studies for the RV industry. The most recent study found that family RV vacations cost less than travel by personal car, train, airline or cruise ship – a whopping...

Get a Free Day on your Travel Trailer Rental in June
Get a free day on your travel trailer rental when you rent a trailer for 5 days or more in the month of June. This is a value of up to $165. Reserve now while we still have trailers available.

It's the perfect season for RVing. If you are interested in purchasing a travel trailer in the near future, we have a new program that will help make your decision to purchase much easier on you. Our "try before you buy" program allows you to rent a travel trailer...

Travel Trailer Rentals Still Available for Rocklahoma May 23-25
AAA RV Sales and Rentals still has a few travel trailers available to rent for the Rocklahoma event in Pryor, OK May 23-25. Make your reservations now before it’s too late. Rentals start at $110 per day, no hidden fees. We can also drop off and pick up trailers...

Plan A Trip For Your Family
Camping may have a life long impact on your children’s life. 95% of people who camped as children said it had a positive impact on their adult lives, helping them develop an appreciation for the outdoors and for different people and places. Plus, RVs feel more like home than...

RV Show Next Week
Come see AAA RV Sales and Rentals at the RV Show March 13-16 at the okc fairgrounds. Best prices, best warranty, and best customer service. Only one more week until the BIG SHOW. See how you can get a discount on tickets at

Come see AAA RV Sales and Rentals at the RV Show March 13-16 at the okc fairgrounds
Come see AAA RV Sales and Rentals at the RV Show March 13-16 at the okc fairgrounds. We will have several travel trailers there with special prices for the show only. All of our Heartland products are 1/2 ton towable and guaranteed to beat everyone’s price. Also, ask us...